Daredevil (Season 2)[TV Series]

One Batch, Two Batch, Penny and Dime

Daredevil Season 2 Kernel Ketchup

“God created each and every one of us with a purpose, didn’t he? A reason for being? Then why did he put the devil in me.” We are often caught in the crossfires of our own theories, some of us tend to praise our own good deeds, some cater the yin and yang, while some are tempted to take the devil’s path. Yes, you’re right, the show’s back, the blind guy is back, so kernel ketchup is back wanting you to witness another season of DareDevil.

Season 1 was great (you can read about it here), Marvel showed everyone how awesome it can be, even in a television series. Hopes were high for season 2, and as the year began internet began floating with memes of the show illustrating how great march is going to be this year alongside with Batman vs Superman. Also the trailer of the show teased many important characters which made guys to renew their Netflix subscription. Season 1 ended with Daredevil taking down Kingpin (I know it’s sad they never used this name to refer Wilson Fisk, but season 2 surprised me) and starts the season 2 with a long line of clients in the office of Nelson & Murdock. Drama starts when out of nowhere a kind of army started attacking the various Mafia groups of Hell’s Kitchen. Daredevil decided to stop this group and in doing so various things come to light and so does the new face, The Punisher. It turned out the whole massacre was The Punisher’s deeds. And hence we witness the epic adaptation of the rooftop scene from the comics between Daredevil and The Punisher. It’s a good thing of marvel that they don’t like to keep you waiting, the pace of the show is great. Apart from The Punisher, the show also introduced the love interests of Daredevil and Matt Murdock (Benefits of having dual identities includes dual girlfriends *wink*). We have Kingpin planning a big conspiracy in the correction centre. And the stick is back. God I loved it when it he said to Matty, “Tracking heartbeats is kid’s stuff”, the goosebumps I had.

Be sure to lookout for the easter eggs of Civil War, I’m am not spilling out everything. The casting, as usual was great, John Bernthal as the punisher was like extra topping on an ice cream and the chills he gave with the punisher logo on his chest. Red (Daredevil as referred by Frank Castle), using Melvin’s help showcases some new tools to play with. Who Melvin you ask? Don’t disappoint me here dude. It’s funny how all the average Marvel films on the box office : Daredevil (2003), The Punisher (2004 &2008) and Elektra (2005) can do wonders on small screen together. I think you don’t need me to push anymore to go ahead and watch it. Go ahead, live one of the great half-day (12 hour runtime) of your life. Happy Watching folks!